Friday, August 9, 2013

*thoughts and tech trauma*

I've called Network Solutions [one of my website/business email hosts] on too many occasions to report that I'm being overwhelmed with spam. One rep said, "Oh! You just need to change your password; then you won't get anymore spam!" I thought, "Bullshit, you don't know what you're talking about". So I said, "okay, thanks", and hung up...why waste my time when what I needed was a tech support guru? Several  phone calls later with no *real* assistance, no gurus, and emails piling up three deep [bartender reference], I started moving emails to the spam folder, but their program wouldn't let me move more than three at a time without crapping out and popping up messages that I'd timed out...

So, I had 200 SINGLE emails to move the crap folder...

After I labored over about a hundred of them, logging back in about as many times [it seemed], I was exhausted and pissed [angry, for my UK friends], and for a woman like me, with near infinite patience [I looked after my mother for 17 years], I thought, "Screw this! I'm changing the contact info on the website to my gmail account."

I scrubbed Network Solutions from my mind. 

That was a few weeks ago. 

Tonight I figured I'd go in and see if any improvements had been made...
*492* EMAILS, and ALL SPAM. 

Okay that's it, I thought, "I'm DONE with Network Solutions, they've given me none...

But I took another look at some of the subject fields to make sure there were no relevant messages, when one caught my eye:

"HealthNutritionNews...Do you POOP enough?"

... and I thought, "Well, yes, until now, and it's going to take a lot of effort to get rid of all the bullshit I've eaten, thanks to Network Solutions."