Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hibiscus Couture du jour


The image that inspired JakSin, tattoo artist and proprietor at

Kreepy Tiki Tattoo Studio in Fort Lauderdale.

JakSin and I greeted one another and he took me through a tour of Kreepy Tiki, which all together includes tattoo studio, boutique and a fabulous lounge replete with blowfish lamp lighting and retro-tiki-chic decor.

We began to chat about my reason for being there.

I knew what I wanted, in the broad aspect, but hadn't narrowed any choices. I'd told Monica on our journey up the Keys, "It's going to be a collaboration".   [It had only been one year since I'd begun thinking about it]

I suggested to JakSin that we take a look at some of my work. We pulled up this blog for a look-see. The image grabbed JakSin immediately, and that was it, my decision was made. 

My upper left arm bears the mark of that day, and is healing nicely. The molting process is nearly complete. Photograph to follow.

[Text posted on 3/28/2012. There is a story that will emerge later, events leading to the tattoo (over the span of one year) and the meet with JakSin and the other artists and staff at Kreepy Tiki and will be told in concert with Monica Dahl.