
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mikaloguer: High Light The Night

Mikaloguer: High Light The Night: "I'm in the down phase. The ball on the string of my highs and lows moves down down - but it will move up again soon, as it always does and ..."

from October 2009 - Cloudcroft, New Mexico

Monday, March 28, 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mikaloguer: Romulus, Ruler of the Realm

Mikaloguer: Romulus, Ruler of the Realm: "Romulus is twenty years old - he is most definitely a noble old man -[Monica reminded me that Old Man had a birthday; he's twenty-one; all t..."

Romulus (or as we called him, "Ole Man") passed on March 25 - just ten days after his 22nd birthday. He was a faithful, warm and loving friend to his pet, Monica, for many years. His spirit lives on. Thanks for tolerating us humans, Ole Man. We'll miss you.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Birds of Paradise at end of life cycle -- New babies on the way!

Jesse Darrow, a colleague in the reservations department of the hotel where we work by day, is moving to Mackinaw City, Michigan, with her husband Eric, where they'll be sharing the work of running the "Darrow's Family Restaurant" http://www.darrowsrestaurant.com/  -- I have been fortunate to be gifted a big fat beautiful pot of BOP that now sits in a special spot in my front porch living room garden!  Thank you Jesse! I'll take good care of these beauties! And good luck to you and Eric in your new life!

And to my dear friend and fabulous painter/artist Lorraine Ulen..., I have found our subject and she's sitting on the porch readying herself to produce babies for what I hope will be a lovely set of portraits!! Huzzah!! Looking forward to their arrival! So glad you said "take your time" when requesting reference photos!!! 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mikaloguer: Late Night/Early Morning Trawl

Mikaloguer: Late Night/Early Morning Trawl: "I spent hours tonight poring through photos posted on friend's Facebook pages. The desire to connect is prevalent in these pages, my own inc..."

Posted during my three month stay in Cloudcroft, New Mexico -

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Red-Bellied Woodpecker Comes To Visit

This RBWP stopped by briefly to scope a cavity in the Royal Poinciana in my  front yard - I scurried inside to grab my camera - photo quality not so great, but I was excited to capture an image of this beauty - I missed him (I think its a him!) the first time he stopped by over a week ago. Hoping the next time I'll have my camera strapped to me with a steady hand to go with. That is, if RBWP decides to call the Poinciana home for the brood!

Chica, neighborhood pooch, ditched home for a little venture down Catherine Street

She stopped by to relax for a minute, then wandered off for her next hello.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mikaloguer: Late Night Slant

Mikaloguer: Late Night Slant: "2:20 central time and not a yawn. Insomnia comes so natural to me. As sleep at this time of night does not. Fighting sleep seems so stupid...."

Friday, March 18, 2011

Mikaloguer: Kindred Spirit

Mikaloguer: Kindred Spirit: "'Each piece of mail must have its day in the sun, its chance to engage me in its magic of the new or repel me with its blatant familiarity. ..."

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mikaloguer: Full Moon Coming

Mikaloguer: Full Moon Coming: "I have a website; don't know why I feel compelled to join the blogger ranks. I'll use the excuse that it is late night. That one usually wor..."

Monday, March 7, 2011

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

All Messages Are Holy - a Facebook Conversation

In Memory of Bill Hamner
March 22, 1954 - February 25, 2011


thank you & just to say hello
Between You and Bill Hamner

Bill Hamner November 29, 2009 at 12:43pm 
saw on your page that you recently joined csn&y. have enjoyed their music for years. thanks for post. hope your travels are enjoyable. bill

Michele Strub November 29, 2009 at 1:02pm
Was just having conversation with "Desarosa" (Daisy) King that CSN&Y were reason I picked up guitar as a kid - lyrics were flowing as we reminisced "Helpless" - "I still need a place to go, all my changes were there..."
thank you for dropping by with message - have you been to my website? http://www.mikalogue.com/  -- [URL no longer current ] I just rolled into Tucson yesterday evening - today I edit most recent photos and upload - tomorrow I look for a gig if endowments for mikalogue arts don't start rolling in, lol - take care, Michele


i enjoyed
Between You and Bill Hamner

Bill Hamner December 2, 2009 at 5:01pm 
i enjoyed your "back in winston-salem photos" as posted on marilyn ingrams page. just wanted to say hello & hope you are doing alright. Bill


thank you michele
Between You and Bill Hamner

Bill Hamner January 16, 2010 at 7:19pm 
since you added that post about my knowing where so many old places are in winston, people have e-mailed me wanting to tknow what i do/ did for a living. dont mind saying. i just say i remember alot about winston good & bad, the back way to places and such. i am not complaining.gotten a couple of friends requests out of it from people i dont know. hope your adventure continues and you are well, i know you keep in touch with a lot of people- hope you shall let me say hello now & then. bill h.

Michele Strub January 20, 2010 at 1:06pm
Please do, say hello now and then - and how about a profile photo? as a point of reference for the now and then - it has only been within the last one or two years that I've been in touch with any RJR/WS folk - been away so long - and even then, I wasn't the most outgoing creature - tell me more about yourself, family, etc. - unless you are intentionally below the grid, then I understand -


flying under the radar
Between You and Bill Hamner

Bill Hamner January 20, 2010 at 5:23pm 
for the last few months. had major foot surgery last april. having tolay low- doctor home bound so i can heal. i found a list from you know you are from winston on rjrs classof 76 reunion internet page. links led me to facebook. i dont have the tools to upload photos- my old compaq computer is basically for internet use only,plus i have a printer. i worked for napa auto parts selling parts to garages & walkins. i dont know if you remember but i met you when you had talked to mr. pelech about wanting to work in the auditorium. several days later he asked me if i knew you & to see if you were still interested. i spoke to you in the lunch room & you said that you werent. yourphoto now is how i remember you. if you have your old annual- i am basically the same-just abigger version/ real short hair. if you know terry gilliam of monty python- was told once i resemble him. who knows. best wishes -bill

Michele Strub January 20, 2010 at 6:53pm
I am the antithesis of the "pack rat" - I haven't kept much over the years that wasn't critical to the present - that includes yearbooks and such - the images I do have I copied digitally and got rid of hard copies - after my mother died (back in April) I really did a major tossing of "stuff" - I don't have children and am sole survivor of my immediate family - there were a few things that I distributed while traveling in NC back in July/August, to secondary family members and dear old friends - everything I own now fits in the hatchback of my Kia and there is also a small storage unit in Clearwater that I really could do without - for some reason I couldn't let go of the 1933 Singer sewing machine that I bought for a song at an estate sale, lol - silly, because I'm geared for "the road" and extremely simple living - there's no good reason to hang on to that and the few other items that I (at the time) just wasn't ready to let go of. You know I'm living in Key West right now - I'm in a home rent free in exchange for housekeeping for a local hypnotherapist who's also working on her doctorate - good gig since rent in Key West is insane - and I have time to get out and make photographs and look for a part time job to pay for incidentals - other than that, I depend on donations through my website to keep things going - I built the site back in early June and have had just under 9,000 page visits since then - it doesn't pull down alot of bucks, but, as I mentioned, I live a simple life! That's kind of nutshell for me... 
I don't have immediate access to the memory of the auditorium staff gig - hindsight, I should have gone for it; it would have been great experience for the years I would later spend in theatre studies - 
talk to you later, Michele


car quiz
Between You and Bill Hamner

Bill Hamner February 19, 2010 at 2:03pm 
thats what i got when i took the car quiz. didnt mean to send it out, but thats what happens whenyou get in a hurry. envy you in the warm. have a pina colata on me / or pepsi whatever your pleasure. hope your job is going well, bill

Michele Strub February 19, 2010 at 11:28pm
what seems seriously chilly here in KW would seem like a heat wave to most north of here! Hope you enjoy the "Garage Door Enhancements" email I sent!


just wanted to say hello
Between You and Bill Hamner

Bill Hamner March 19, 2010 at 3:45am 
hope you are well & the job is doing alright. starting to warm up a bit here in winston. i hope you realize by now that key west is home to 2 fantastic people- you and ernest hemingway in his day. both of you are renaissance people. best wishes, bill

Michele Strub March 19, 2010 at 12:20pm
Thanks for stopping by, Bill! and for the kind words as well...I am happy to dive in, here on the island...take care and all the best to you! Michele


thank you-
Between You and Bill Hamner

Bill Hamner March 22, 2010 at 4:20pm 
for the kind birthday wishes, michele. i appreciate hearing from you. hope you are well. bill


just wanted to say hello
Between You and Bill Hamner

Bill Hamner April 18, 2010 at 8:24pm 
& you are thought of often. i do enjoy reading about your life adventures & the places you have been. please take care of yourself. always , bill


just to say hello
Between You and Bill Hamner

Bill Hamner September 29, 2010 at 3:40am 
dear michele, just wanted to say hello after awhile. still trying to heal from foot surgery- doctor says if i am good it should be healed around thanksgiving & can get out. hope you are well & good. bill

Michele Strub September 29, 2010 at 12:55pm
Bill, hang in there and heal well - good to hear from you - recovery, especially the lower extremities, is ever so tedious - besides facebook, what do you do to fight boredom? I know you must be looking forward to getting out - its been a while, hasn't it? Take care dear, all the best, Michele


Bill Hamner September 30, 2010 at 5:52am 
thank you michele for e-mailing me back. am home bound hopefully until thanksgiving when doctor releases me . stay on the computer several hours plus watch all the judge shows- theyre getting old, please take care & hope you are well .bill

Fly free, Bill, and keep those messages coming - Best wishes as you travel the universe - Know that you are remembered, Michele